Dear Colleagues,
I would like to extend you an invitation to a (Zoom) Synod Welcome Service to take place at 8pm on Sunday 13th September.
I’m hoping that in the absence of our normal Synod meeting on the Saturday, this service will provide us with an opportunity to worship together, to pray for one another and to greet new colleagues who have come to minister among us, as well as to reflect together on where God might be leading us in these challenging and changing times.
The service will last just under an hour, and we are holding it at 8.00pm so that it doesn’t clash with anything else happening on that Sunday. There’s no expectation that anyone should feel they ‘have’ to attend, but we are hoping that it provides an opportunity for us to worship, reflect and pray together at the start of this new Connexional year.
All Synod Superintendent ministers have details of the Zoom Code etc or alternatively please e-mail for further details.
I look forward to seeing you then.
Every blessing,