Author Archives: Wendy Barwise

New Methodist Youth President 2021-22

We’re delighted to hear that Daud Irfan of the Cardiff circuit has been elected as the new Methodist Youth President for 2021-22.

Further news about Daud and the role he will be taking on can be found in Methodist News, but in the meantime we wish Daud every blessing as he prepares to take on his new role from September.

And we’re also pleased to note that another young person from the Wales Synod, Rachel Barwise has been appointed as a Youth Representative to Conference.

3 Generate Youth Elections

To keep up to date with Momentwm Cymru news and events, please use the following links:-

3Generate Elections

Voting opens on 21 November for the Youth President (until 11pm Monday 21 December) and 3Generate Reps (until 11pm Monday 14 December). We’re keen that as many children and young people as possible, from across the Methodist Church, are able to participate.  They have the opportunity to elect the Youth President for 2021/22 as well as their 3Generate representatives for the coming year.

  1. In order to vote children and young people need to be registered. There are some simple steps to make this happen:
  2. Children and young people aged 8-17 years old can be registered only once by either their group leader or parent/carer.

They need to be registered by 5 December – please refer to the Group Leaders page ( as there are two stages to this process.

  1. Elections open on 21 November.
  2. All those aged 18-23 years can register themselves for 3Generate 365 and to vote here

From the Wales Synod we have some young people standing in the elections this year, we have for youth president Daud Irfan from Cardiff is standing as well as Rachel Barwise who is standing for 3Generate youth rep to Methodist Conference.


Grants to support online working in Wales Synod Churches

The Wales Synod Advance Fund

Grants to support online working of Churches.

The Synod Schemes & Grants Committee recognises the need to reach out online to both members and those in the community.  Churches may need to invest in some additional equipment.

Examples are: camera; sound or recording; lighting; wifi; laptop computers. This type of project falls somewhat between the two funding streams of building and mission. Projects should follow these guidelines.  The SS&GC will make up to £30,000 available this Connexional year for such schemes.


Proposals should be submitted on the SAF application form, with the additional information required. (Available on the Synod website or on request). They should include:

  • A plan with clear objectives and activities should be submitted.
  • How the success of the project will be monitored.
  • An indication that the skills required to use the equipment effectively are available or will be acquired.
  • Evidence that due diligence with regards to cost effectiveness and consideration for the environment has been made.
  • Budgets which indicate the costs and any additional sources of funds or fundraising
  • Proposals should be approved by the churches own planning and financial procedures – please include the date of that approval

Grants up to £3000 are available:

  • Requests for under £1000 receive 100%
  • Requests over £1000 can receive 50% of expenditure over £1000

Reporting Requirements

Churches receiving grants should produce a short report indicating the outcomes of the project and any lessons learnt after 12 months. This will enable the committee to evaluate the effectiveness of the scheme.

Any questions please contact Gill Peace:

The necessary application form is available using the link below.

SAF Application Form

Synod Welcome Service – Sunday 13th September at 8pm

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to extend you an invitation to a (Zoom) Synod Welcome Service to take place at 8pm on Sunday 13th September.

I’m hoping that in the absence of our normal Synod meeting on the Saturday, this service will provide us with an opportunity to worship together, to pray for one another and to greet new colleagues who have come to minister among us, as well as to reflect together on where God might be leading us in these challenging and changing times.

The service will last just under an hour, and we are holding it at 8.00pm so that it doesn’t clash with anything else happening on that Sunday. There’s no expectation that anyone should feel they ‘have’ to attend, but we are hoping that it provides an opportunity for us to worship, reflect and pray together at the start of this new Connexional year.

All Synod Superintendent ministers have details of the Zoom Code etc or alternatively please e-mail for further details.

I look forward to seeing you then.

Every blessing,


Uniting Church Sketty Eco Awards

UNITING CHURCH SKETTY, SWANSEA (formerly Sketty Methodist Church and Bethel URC Sketty)

In December 2019, Uniting Church Sketty was awarded a BRONZE ECO AWARD by the charity A Rocha.

To attain an Eco Award there are five categories which have to be completed – WORSHIP AND TEACHING; BUILDINGS; LAND; COMMUNITY AND GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT and LIFESTYLE.

Perhaps the most difficult one we had to decide upon was the LAND category. One the one hand our congregation does not walk out of the building straight on to a pavement. But, on the other hand, we do have some flower beds and a small area of grass, so, being honest we couldn’t say we didn’t have any land. Yet, on the other hand, we haven’t got enough land, for example, to grow trees. Eventually we decided we had land and we would have to look at ways of using it as creatively as we can, now and in the future.

In August 2020 UCS attained a SILVER ECO AWARD, from A Rocha, the charity which encourages churches to become more environmentally friendly.

At the time of writing, UCS is the only Methodist URC church in Wales with a Silver Eco Award.

Even though we have been in lockdown for several months, it has been possible, by “thinking outside the box” to work towards this award.

During the late winter and early spring, new plantings were made in the church flower beds, to attract butterflies, bees and other insects. The flowers which were planted, and have flourished, include poppies, rudbekia, nicotiana, cranesbill geranium and sedum.

As UCS does not have enough land to grow trees, we have joined a scheme initiated by the City and County of Swansea, where you can pay to adopt a tree or buy a new tree. The church meeting agreed to the purchase of a Liquid Amber tree (related to the Canadian Maple), which will be planted in a local park next winter.

Our church related Community Worker (URC Swansea Region of Churches), Adella Pritchard, has started a Unity in Diversity clothing bank for asylum seekers, who are now living in our community. However, asylum seekers don’t just need clothes, so the project has extended its remit by appealing for items such as desks and chairs for older children to do their school work and for cots and prams for babies and toddlers.

Many of the sections of the ECO survey were already being undertaken at UCS regularly. Each month our magazine includes “Pray Without Ceasing”, which includes prayers for people in our locality, the environment and current issues. Prayer walks (on paper) have also been devised, one for use in a/any park and the other for use on a/any beach.

During Creationtide, this autumn, we plan to experiment by starting Forest Church in a local park, at a local beach and…..we may go down to the woods…….!!!!

To learn more about Eco Church awards visit

Janet M Neilson (Eco Church Co-ordinator, Uniting Church Sketty)